
8/31聽到我兒子勇太在發生了意外、驚惶無措之下從日本來到台北、 至今已經一個多月、勇太還在醫院昏迷、我一邊照顧勇太、希望勇太快點醒來一邊也努力著一個人在台北生活、如果沒有台灣人和住在台灣的日本人這麼幫忙、我也可能不知所措無法挺到今天、大家的溫暖協助和關心是我最大的動力、希望勇太能健康的甦醒繼續在他喜歡的台北生活
目標 NT$800,000 / 已募得
目前進度 215%
已結束(2023-10-13 ~ 2023-11-27)


10/15來自勇太媽媽的一段話 :
「雖然我來臺灣30次左右、這次才真正深深感受為什麼我兒子勇太這麼熱愛臺灣,這麽感謝臺灣、臺灣人的力量以及對日本人的愛已經沒有言語可以形容。 當志工通知我26小時已經募集到未來三個月所需的醫療及照護費時,這是來臺灣一個多月之後可以鬆了第一口氣。 勇太和我會為了您們的愛繼續努力下去、這是唯一可以報答大家對我們的愛。真的很感謝。」


« Wake up our Yuta with love »


Yuta, a cheerful young man who loves Taiwan and is passionate about baseball from Sendai, Japan, needs everyone's blessing and assistance!

「8/31聽到我兒子勇太在發生了意外、驚惶無措之下從日本來到台北、 至今已經一個多月、勇太還在醫院昏迷、我一邊照顧勇太、希望勇太快點醒來一邊也努力著一個人在台北生活、如果沒有台灣人和住在台灣的日本人這麼幫忙、我也可能不知所措無法挺到今天、大家的溫暖協助和關心是我最大的動力、希望勇太能健康的甦醒繼續在他喜歡的台北生活、今後也請多指教和照顧、真心感謝大家。」- 勇太媽媽、大久保弘美

"On August 31st, I received the news that my son Yuta had an accident. In a state of panic, I came from Japan to Taipei, and it has been over a month now. Yuta is still in a coma. While taking care of Yuta, I am also trying to live in Taipei on my own. Without the help of the people in Taiwan and the Japanese living in Taiwan, I might have been lost and unable to make it to today. Your warmth, assistance, and care are my greatest motivation. I hope Yuta can wake up healthy and continue to live in Taipei, which he loves. In the future, please continue to guide and take care of us. Sincerely, thank you all." - Yuta's mother, Hiromi Okubo.



On August 31, 2023, a devastating fire at his residence in Shilin left Yuta in coma in the intensive care unit. Yuta's brave mother, who doesn't speak Chinese, came alone from Japan to care for her only son. She experiences sleepless nights and tasteless meals, shuttling between hotels and hospitals, exhausted both physically and emotionally.


Yuta's best friend is his mother, he sends her Line messages every day. His love and dedication for her are well-known to everyone who knows him.


Yuta is a survivor of the 2011 tsunami in Japan. He witnessed the assistance and kindness of the Taiwanese people in helping rebuild his homeland. At a young age, he made a decision: he would come to Taiwan to repay their kindness and learn about the love and kindness of the Taiwanese people. At the age of 18, after learning Chinese in Taiwan, he was admitted to National Normal University. During his time there, he shared the story of the 2011 tsunami and his deep gratitude for Taiwan. He readily participated in charity activities without hesitation, wanting to share hope and dreams, especially with the children.


After graduating from university, he found a full-time job with a Japanese company, shining brightly at the age of 25, but then tragedy struck unexpectedly. Each time Yuta's mother faces the doctor's prognosis, she can only shed silent tears, trying to remain strong despite it all.

身在異鄉、沒有朋友可商量、居無定所、 每天依靠勇太的朋友們輪流當翻譯協助、遙遙無期的醫藥費和媽媽的生活費、一切的求救無門、讓需要擔心兒子的一位母親更增恐懼不知如何面對下一秒和明天。

Being in a foreign land with no friends to confide in, no fixed abode, Yuta’s mother relies on her son’s friends in Taiwan to take turns translating and assisting. The endless medical expenses and his mother's living expenses left her feeling helpless, with no way to seek help. A mother who worries about her son's medical condition, now faces increasing fear about future.


When Yuta's friends ask how they can help, his mother, unable to think clearly, can only shake her head and pray for the miracle, just like the one that saved Yuta from being swept away by the tsunami.


A courageous Japanese mother and her son, Yuta, need your help in Taiwan.



"The funds raised will be used for Yuta's medical expenses, subsequent medical care expenses, and Yuta's mother's basic living expenses in Taiwan. If there is any surplus, it will be used for future resettlement expenses."

勇太 志工團

楊騰燦,陳俊佑,沈志煒,邱立清,張繼文,周奕丞,正太,鉄平,鄭柏怡,Peter Lin,Nico,Chialing,Sammy,Sally Lin,Jennie Chiu,Erika,Candy Lin,Miki Wu、松田純三